
The Miz is backstage waiting to do a photo shoot. He thinks this place is a dump and he’s ready to get out of here. A production assistant tells Miz he will have to wait for his photo shoot. Miz asks why and the camera looks over to LA Knight posing for photos. Miz it not happy with this. Miz says this guy wins one Battle Royal and now this. Miz refuses to wait on LA… he walks off and heads out to tell Adam Pearce about this.

The Miz makes his way to the ring. We’ll hear from him next.

Replays are shown of some highlights from the Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal. LA Knight eliminated The Miz before eliminating Sheamus to win the match.

The Miz is standing in the ring and doesn’t look happy. Miz asks if he’s missing something. Is something going on in his head? What happened to showing industry leaders like him proper respect? He comes to Monday Night Raw to find a guy that the crowd loves in LA Knight (YEAH). Miz is a veteran and locker room leader. When he first came to WWE a long time ago, he was taught respect. When you come into the locker room, you introduce yourself and shake hands with those that paved the way for you. LA Knight didn’t just throw him over the top rope, he didn’t introduce himself to the Miz or shake his hand. Miz is sick and tired of the lack of respect.

LA Knight comes out to a HUGE ovation! Knight stands in the ring and listens to the crowd buzzing for him. Knight says, “Lemme talk to you!” Knight says he thought they had a great introduction in the Battle Royal at SummerSlam, but if that didn’t work, he’ll introduce himself with everyone saying, “LA Knight, YEAH!” Knight extends a hand, but Miz says, “No.” Knight doesn’t deserve to shake his hand. Miz says he’s seen superstars like Knight come into WWE trying to ride his coattails. If you take away from the Miz, taking away everything, you get LA Knight. Knight is a flash in the pan, the flavor of the month. The people love him now and for the next five months because he’s it. Knight is just an Attitude Era fanboy playing cosplay in his ring.

A “Tiny Balls” chant picks up. Knight surmises there will be no handshake and warns Miz not to take this personally. Miz says he’s taken everything personally since the beginning of his career when he was thrown out of the locker room. Miz has been doing this for twenty years. What has Knight done? Knight surmises this is personal. Knight has been making himself a dangerous man for twenty years. He’s been clawing and scratching, doing all the right things from the outside looking in as the company put their money behind the wrong horses, The Miz included. Knight waited for the right opening. Here is Miz with a twenty-year headstart. Miz got that headstart because he’s safe. They knew they could smack him around and kick him out of the locker room. Miz took it. The line for Knight is they weren’t ready to take a chance on him yet. He’s a dangerous man. They knew if you wanted to smack him around and kick him out of the locker room that it wouldn’t work. That’s the difference between them. Still, Miz became a champion many times over. Good on him. Now Miz’s career is in the damn toilet and Knight is on the climb. If Miz wants to make this personal, he doesn’t mind making him a stepping stone.

Knight will walk over Miz to the main event where he belongs. Miz says he is the main event. Knight is not on his level. Knight says he’s looking him in the eyes. If he’s not on Miz’s level, he can prove him wrong. Miz takes off his jacket. Knight prepares for a fight. An “LA Knight” chant picks up. Miz goes to get his jacket before throwing it in Knight’s face. Miz attacks Knight and goes for a Skull Crushing Finale, but Knight counters into Blunt Force Trauma. Miz, knocked unconscious by the BFT, has his hand shaken by Knight. Knight walks off.

Gallery: WWE Related > Digitals > Monday Night RAW > 2023 >August 7th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Monday Night RAW > 2023 >August 7th

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