
Triple Threat Match – Bobby Lashley vs. Santos Escobar vs. LA Knight

The bell rings and we are under way. LA Knight and Lashley double team Escobar but Lashley throws LA Knight to the outside. LA Knight drags him and both men fight on the outside of the ring. Santos Escobar with a suicide dive onto both men.

Back from commercial, LA Knight goes for a superplex off the top rope on Escobar but Lashley with a powerbomb onto LA Knight with Escobar also falling onto the mat. He goes for the cover but Escobar kicks out. LA Knight rolls Lashley up but Escobar breaks it up. He hits a double knee onto Lashley and LA Knight with a powerslam onto Escobar. Angel and Humberto attack LA Knight from behind. They hit him with a triple power bomb.

Lashley gets in the ring but Angel and Humberto double team him. Out come The Street Profits who take Angel and Humberto down to the outside. Elektra Lopez gets in the ring but B-Fab hits her with a big boot. Dawkins to the outside but Angel and Humberto take him down. Ford with a senton onto both men on the outside. Lashley with a flat liner onto Santos. He goes for the spear onto Escobar but Escobar moves out of the way. LA Knight hits Santos Escobar with the BFT. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: LA Knight

Triple Threat match – Kevin Owens vs. Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

The bell rings and we are under way. Owens with a clothesline onto AJ and AJ to the outside. Owens grabs Rey and slides him to the outside but AJ catches Rey and slams him onto the ring apron. Owens to the outside but Owens slams AJ on the barricade and he hits him with a barricade. Rey with a sitting senton onto Owens on the outside.

Back from commercial, AJ slams Rey neck first onto his knee. He slams Owens face first onto the mat. AJ goes for the cover onto Owens but Owens kicks out. AJ places Owens on the top rope but Owens with a headbutt. Rey trips AJ up and he falls to the outside. Rey climbs the top rope but Owens slams him onto the mat. He goes for the cover but AJ breaks it up. AJ jumps off the second rope and goes for a moon sault but Owens moves out of the way, AJ lands on his feet, Owens goes for a pop up powerbomb, AJ lands on his feet and hits him with an overhead kick. Rey with cross body off the second rope onto AJ. Rey jumps off the second rope, AJ catches him, he goes for a German but Owens grabs AJ from behind and it’s a double German suplex. Owens monkeyflips Rey into AJ but Rey drops AJ onto the second rope and he hits AJ with a 619. Rey on the ring apron, Owens hits him with a Stunner. Owens goes for a swanton off the top rope but AJ gets his knees up. AJ climbs the second rope but Rey grabs his leg. Rey climbs the top rope and goes for a hurricanrana but AJ blocks it into a Styles Clash off the top rope onto Kevin Owens. AJ goes for the cover on Rey and gets the pin.

Winner: AJ Styles

LA Knight enters the ring after the match and both men are face to face with SmackDown going off the air.

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > Friday Night SmackDown > 2024 > April 12th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Friday Night SmackDown > 2024 > April 12th

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