Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Andrade
The bell rings and Nakamura lands a kick to Andrade. Andrade responds with a moonsault to Nakamura off the ropes on the outside.
Back from the break, Andrade connects with his signature moonsault on Nakamura and follows it up with a spinning back elbow. He goes for a pin, but Nakamura kicks out. Andrade sits Nakamura on the top rope and joins him up there, but Nakamura sends Andrade crashing into the ring post face first. He follows it up with a Kinshasa for the win.
Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
LA Knight’s music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. He fires off right hands on Nakamura and sets up for BFT, but Nakamura slides out of the ring before he can hit it. Knight then grabs a mic and warns Nakamura that he’s coming for his United States Championship, saying he will stop at nothing until he gets it.
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Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > Friday Night SmackDown > 2025 > January 3rd
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Friday Night SmackDown > 2025 > January 3rd